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Russian Martial Arts In Europe Seminars Courses Trainings


Russian Martial Arts In Europe. We organize and conduct seminars & courses on fighting and self-defense based on the principles of the Russian martial arts. RMA Instructor Rob. We will organize seminars on following fighting sections: «A personal security of citizens» - fight conducting in various situations and places, use of improvised subjects as the weapon and special application, opposition to several opponents. «The punch technics» - drawing of blows from any positions, blows without scope keeping power, speed, seriality, blows in fight and in an orchestra, in a close premise and on any distance, various and variability, high speed. «Special preparation» - instant attack and neutralization of the opponent, mental conditions in fight, detention and a convoy, profitability and rationality of actions, performance of fighting and special problems. All studied material is taught by principles of Russian martial art. Subjects and cost of a seminar the contractual. Course T.S.A. on effective system of self-defense, the principles of RMA. Course mountain preparation. Rescue efforts. Training Russian martial arts in Europe.